Res Dev Med Educ. 2012;1(1): 17-20.
doi: 10.5681/rdme.2012.005
  Abstract View: 1432
  PDF Download: 798

Original Research

Designing of Electronic Health Record Software in the Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Tabriz

Vahid Azizi*, Mojgan Lotfi, Farzad Jalali
*Corresponding Author: Email: vahid.azizi67@gmail.com


Introduction: much effort was conducted to support the use of electronic record systems in nursing process. Some of the most important reasons for its application are efficiency, security and the quality of the patients’ data registration. The purpose of this study is to present electronic registration software of patients, health assessment and to determine the attitude of nurses towards it. Methods: this is a R&D leading to construction of the patient’s health assessment software. In the beginning, Gordon Model and the daily charts of the patients were prepared to paper. During the next 8 months these charts were converted into the software programs. The databases were implemented using “the SQL server” and “C#Net” programming language. Results: the software used in this study included 4 parts; the first one contained information of Gordon health assessment model in 11 items, the second contained charts of the study, the third part consisted of Lund-Browder table and dummy data table for 4 age groups, and the fourth one was image infor-mation storage part for burn wounds pictures. Conclusion: despite barriers, electronic systems could lead to confidential information, increase the quality of nursing records, and also reduce the amount of expenses.
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Submitted: 14 Apr 2012
Revision: 25 Apr 2012
ePublished: 07 Jul 2012
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