Res Dev Med Educ. 2012;1(2): 65-70.
doi: 10.5681/rdme.2012.014
  Abstract View: 1143
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Original Research

Perceptions of Students and Clinical Instructors of Academic Learning Environments at Yazd University of Medical Sciences

Hamideh Montazeri, Amin Beigzadeh*, Mostafa Shokoohi, Azam Bazrafshan, Maryam Esmaili
*Corresponding Author: Email: beigzadeh.amin@gmail.com


Introduction: The purpose of this cross sectional study is to gain insight into the students and clinical instructors’ perception of learning environments at Yazd medical University in 2012. Various aspects of environment are compared between courses, gender and age. Students and instructors’ perspectives are reported. Methods: The sample consisted of 158 undergraduate students in their final year of graduation in the nursing, anesthesia, operating room, laboratory, radiology, midwifery courses and their 20 clinical instructors at Yazd University. Data were obtained using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM). Scores were compared across grouping variables identified via demographic information. Results: Scores were fairly high for both students and clinical instructors (M=110.0; SD=21.2 and M=93.1; SD=10.3 respectively), indicating an overall positive perception of learning environments between both groups. The perception of atmosphere subscale (PA) received the highest mean grade by both groups. Total DREEM scores didn’t vary significantly between courses (p>0.05) but the results of ANOVA test showed significant differences only for perception of teaching and perception of atmosphere domains. There was not a significant association between females and males regarding total DREEM score (p>0.05). Conclusions: The more positive than negative perception held by the Yazd University health science students and instructors is hopefully indicative of a favorable teaching-learning environment. Overall; teachers’ attention to principles of educational design and setting a favorable environment to promote better learning is recommended.
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Submitted: 14 Jun 2012
Revision: 20 Aug 2012
ePublished: 25 Dec 2012
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