Res Dev Med Educ. 2013;2(1): 47-49.
doi: 10.5681/rdme.2013.011
  Abstract View: 1165
  PDF Download: 772

Short Communication

The Comparison of Community –based Education Programs in Faculties of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Abolghasem Amini*, Reza Ghaffari, Susan Hassanzadeh, Fariba Salek, Parisa Golanbar
*Corresponding Author: Email:


Introduction: Training in a real work environment, within community is an effective method of education. Continuous evaluation of community based education courses is essential for both maintaining and improving their quality. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 100 students who had passed community based education courses along with 15 faculty members teaching the same courses have been randomly selected in the faculties of Tabriz University of medical sciences. A researcher-designed questionnaire consisting questions of educational program, learning settings, teaching and assessment methods, used for data collection. The data was analyzed using SPSS16. Results: Community based education among the students of Health and Nutrition, Dentistry, Para medicine, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing and Rehabilitation faculties scored 39.46±6.59 (average), 78.20±1.37 (very high), 52.78±14.41 (high), 19.48±5.29 (low), 61.942.2±2.2 (good), 43.97±16.82 (average) and 64.90±3.45 (high), respectively. Conclusion: The research results showed that community based education had different quality levels in different departments.
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Submitted: 20 Feb 2013
Revision: 22 Mar 2013
ePublished: 30 May 2013
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