Res Dev Med Educ. 2016;5(2): 62-68.
doi: 10.15171/rdme.2016.013
  Abstract View: 1525
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Original Research

Lecture Based Versus peer Assisted Learning: Quasi-Experimental Study to Compare Knowledge Gain of Forth Year Medical Students in Community Health and Nutrition Course

Seema Daud 1,2*, Abdul Majeed Chaudhry 2,3, Syeda Kauser Ali 4

1 Department of Community Medicine, Lahore Medical & Dental College, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
2 Department of Medical Education and Educational Research, Lahore Medical & Dental College, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
3 Department of Surgery, Lahore Medical & Dental College, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
4 Faculty of Health Sciences, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Email: drseemadaud@gmail.com


Background: The present study was designed to compare the knowledge gain of students in lectures and peer assisted learning (PAL) via end of course test scores. The purpose of this comparison was to assess the ability of PAL in enhancing academic achievement and to consider its addition within the traditional medical syllabus.

Methods: A randomized control trial (RCT) was conducted at Department of Community Medicine, Lahore Medical and Dental College in 2014. Convenience sampling was used and out of 125 fourth year MBBS students, those who agreed to take part in the study (N = 99),were randomly allocated to PAL (n = 49) and lecture (n = 50) groups. Community Health& Nutrition was the course chosen for the study. Both lecture and the PAL sessions were conducted simultaneously and the duration and content covered in each session were the same for both groups. Knowledge gained was assessed through a pre- and post-test. Chi-square test, independent t test, paired t test and analysis of co variance (ANCOVA) were used for data analysis.

Results: The study participants demonstrated a significant difference in the pre-test and post-tests cores in both the study groups (P ≤ 0.001). However, no statistically significant difference was found in the post-test scores between the Lecture and PAL groups, F (1, 95) = 0.584, P = 0.447.Gender and high school qualifications had no bearing on test scores in both learning groups.

Conclusion: The present study concludes that in terms of academic achievements, PAL was equally effective to lectures. Therefore, PAL can be incorporated as a supplement to lectures in medical school curricula.

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Submitted: 05 Jul 2016
Revision: 19 Oct 2016
Accepted: 22 Oct 2016
ePublished: 22 Dec 2016
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